Writing on new devices – Part 2 of 2
In part 1 of this series I discussed my favorite platform for writing on the go, and why. Here you’ll see which applications Are available and which ones I use on my iPhone, iPad and desktop.
One of my favorite apps, is Notespark. This app allows you to write on the iPhone, and save articles. The first line of the document becomes the title, and titles are organized by categories using Tags. The best part about this app is that all of your documents are automatically synced to their website. Once you log in to the website from your desktop you can create documents you can later see on your iPhone, or you can copy text from documents you created on your iPhone. This app doesn’t have a version for the iPad yet, and text on the iPad using an iPhone app just isn’t very good. I sure wish this app had a word count as well.
Synotes is similar to Notespark, however in addition to the iPhone and web interface, they also have an iPad app. They also automatically backup all versions of a document, which may come in handy occasionally, but I don’t find it a necessary feature. They also have an information tab on documents which give you the date created and last modified date, but still no word count. The biggest problem with Synotes, which renders it useless to me, is the inability to categorize documents. Instead they allow you to choose an icon to associate with a document, which is a form of categorization, but really doesn’t make much sense.