Writing on new devices – Part 1 of 2
I am rarely able to sit down at my computer to write articles. But what I have found is that I have lots of small windows of time that if I have an appropriate input device and software that allows me to obtain that same file later I can get a lot done.
I use an iPhone as my main portable device. One small fast powerful device seems to work best. Just like in photography they say the best camera you have is the one you have with you. The best device for capturing thoughts and formulating the beginnings of an article is the device you have with you, your phone.
About a year ago I purchased a Dell Mini 10 netbook in hopes of having a small mobile computer that I could use for writing. While the keyboard is small, it is pretty functional for typing on. The screen is also small which makes it a challenge to navigate sometimes.
I recently purchased an iPad. My main goal with this device was to consume content, but it would be a great perk to create content on it as well. The lack of a physical keyboard makes this difficult, however the real problem is holding and typing on the wide device.
What I’ve found is it is best to look things up on the iPad, but then use my iPhone to actually write on. I’ve found the onscreen keyboard on the iPhone to be very functional in landscape view.
Part two I’ll review the best iPhone and iPad apps that I use for writing.